This document summarizes the steps in running CETK USB port test in WinCE 6.0. The below are the hardware requirement for this test.

  • USB host-controller card or on-board USB host-controller logic.
  • CEPC – x86 based Wince 6.0 Device
  • USB cable.
  • USB function controller; for example, the NetChip22880 USB function PCI card

The major part in this test is preparing the CEPC device.

Steps in preparing CEPC device

  1. You need to installed CE platform builder with x86 CPU selected.
  2. Create custom OD design for CEPC.
  3. Enable Netchip22880 catalog items menu.
  4. Give Clean sysgen. If any sysgen error try Build and Sysgen/Rebuild and Sysgen.
  5. After build succeeded , NK.bin will be ready in the release directory.

In msdn, they referred booting via floppy drive. Since it is outdated, below steps covers booting CEPC in USB Flash Drive.

  1. Downloadzip from internet and extract it to get winb98se.IM.
  2. Create virtual floppy driver using exe for this winb98se.IM. This exe and instruction can be found in the below link.
  3. After creating the virtual floppy disk you will get MSDOS related files in the Floppy A or B based on your creation.
  4. Now you need to create bootable USB Flash drive.
  5. For this you can use “HP USB Disk Storage format Tool”.
  6. Using this tool, select your USB disk and select the box ““Create a DOS startup disk”.
  7. When it prompts for input folder, select the previously created virtual floppy disk (A/B drive) and click start.
  8. After Format is done, copy all files from “(C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\CEPC\SRC\BOOTLOADER\DOS\BOOTDISK” to USB stick.
  9. Copy HIMEM.sys file, into the USB disk from the virtual floppy drive.
  10. Copy the NK.bin file to the USB disk.

Now USB bootable CEPC is ready. While booting, if it is hanging somewhere like, “Jumping to 0x00224cb0”, this may be due to display resolution issue. To work around this you need to change the resolution accordingly in bootloader using Vesatest program. For example, in bootloader select option 5 (Vesatest program) and gives the below command for 1024x768 resolution.

loadcepc /b:115200 /l:1024x768x32 nk.bin

Here, /b:115200 is debug COM port baud rate. Once this CEPC is ready, you need to run Lufldrv.exe on CEPC side. (Before that CEPC should be connected with PCI NetChip22880 USB function PCI card). This exe and dependency files (Lufldrv.exe, LpBkCfg1.dll, LpBkCfg2.dll) are found in the path C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Compact Test Kit\tests\target\. Copy these files to CEPC windows folder and run the Lufldrv.exe from command line. Now on the development PC, run the CETK test for USB Port test with corresponding command line arguments. Now target device will prompt the user for “Please connect USB host with USB test device now! “. After this prompt, connect the USB function host to the target device (From CEPC Netchip 22880 to Target testing device). Now test will begin to run.